Creative Writing & Symbols Workshops - $12 each

Website https://www.gillianhahn.com/

Wild Woman Within Introduction Video, get a feel of how we work.

Gillian Hahn facilitates the Wild Woman Within Workshops.

Hi, I'm Gillian

I have been facilitating workshops for many years and now offering my Wild Woman Within Workshops online to You.

All you need is a pen and plenty of paper, colour crayons too if you like.


Each workshop has a secret theme that will only be revealed to you once the workshop starts, to inspire your maximum spontaneous creativity.

Every workshop is a unique experience. We work on a new theme within ‘The Wild Woman’ genre.

This is a gentle workshop, with a facilitated, guided journey throughout the 1.20 hours, allowing your imagination to be stimulated from the inside out, working spontaneously and stretching your creative muscle with writing exercises and free writing, so that you can tap into your stream of consciousness and express yourself in words, symbols and drawings in the comfort of your own home.

Wild Woman Workshops are so much more than just the written word, we create, we dream, we manifest, creating authentic work and uplifting ourselves together.

Wild Woman Within Workshops Gillian Hahn

An example of how we work and express creatively in the Wild Woman Within Workshops process.

This workshop is for anyone that identifies as woman.

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Please see WORKSHOP in the Menu of my WEBSITE at https://www.gillianhahn.com/


And what a beautiful journey it was. Robyne Chadwick.

I highly recommend this Workshop. Unlike a "normal "creative class, she helps you connect with your inner self and gently guides you along the way. Gillian Hahn you are absolutely amazing! I had done her creative art Workshop, which was awesome. Never done creative writing so decided to give it a try. Words just flowed out and once I read it afterwards, found the information/ message PROFOUND! Thank you so much Gillian ❤  Paula Luiz.

So wonderful to have experienced one of your workshops!! I can highly recommend to anyone as a deeply soothing cathartic guided exploration into your creative subconscious. Thank you Gillian. Elaine Skinner.

Highly recommended. Sammy Saunders.

So worth making the time. It’s made my weeks have more clarity in theses strange times. Thanks Gillian. Laura Leigh Dowling U.K.

I can't wait for the next circle. Charmaine Beukes.

These workshops have been one of my really good lockdown experiences. A delight to join these circles. Very gentle, I recommend them. Maria Serrano, Finland.

So so so marvellous✨🤩👏🌈💞 well done everyone, and well done Sis for making it happen!🌀🍳🌐 Love. Hannah Glanvill.

Loooooooove ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈. Emma Dainton.

Highly recommended, such a great opportunity to invest a little bit into ourselves. Caroline Gabb.

Loved the workshop last week Gillian and I can not wait until Wednesday, when I'll be joining again. Such a lovely breakaway and some time to myself ❤️Thank you. Jessica Love.

What an amazing time it was. Such an eye- opening wow morning! Thank you so much Gillian! ♥️♥️. Amelda Grieve.

Connecting to creativity and wild woman within workshop and is so much fun you'd love it xxx. Jozi Sullivan.

Thank you Gilly. I surprised myself!! The juices flowed. Best present ever. Penny Wieferring.

What a fabulous expressive experience ❤️ Thnx Gillian for a wonderful journey. Karen Dickens.

Thanks again Gillian Hahn for your creative guidance......a heartfelt space in which to explore ❤. Kim Filby.

Many thanks for holding space to let our inner children out to play with the elements! 🔥 💦 🌳 🌩️🌀🌈. Mala Laith.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Gillian. Sue Ludeke van Tonder, Canada.

I can highly recommend this workshop! Thank Gillian Hahn for a stunning day! Celine Walters.

Thank you for facilitating such a magical creative journey in a very safe space. Cannot wait for the next one xxx. Sammy van Rooyen.

Wonderful experience!!! Debbie Greef Van Vuren.

Absolutely enjoyed my recent time with you Gillian,thank you,truly touching the core 💜. Beatrice Pook.

A beautiful experience that Gillian offers that everyone should feel. 🌈💗. Paddy Wallington.

Thank you Gillian Hahn. A wonderful experience and loved your workshop. xx. Deborah Brown.

Love it and highly recommended. Thanks you for a wonderful workshop Gillian! Ann Mapham.

Wanted to thank you for helping me on my journey. I hold some of those pieces of peace dearly each day. Noreen, U.S.A.